Serve one another in love. - Galations 5:13__________________
Requests are considered by the trustees the first week of each month. We reply to requests of $5,000 or less within 30 days. We reply to requests of $5,000. or more within 90 days. Foundation payments are made by paper check in US dollars and are reported to the appropriate tax agencies. While we certainly wish that we could contribute to all the applications that meet our funding criteria, there are times when when available funding is limited and we are not able to contribute to some very worthy causes. If we are not in a position to help in the timeline requested, we will keep the information on file for possible consideration in the future.
We do not consider requests to support advertising and can not make payments directly to individuals.
Applications will only be accepted by postal delivery and must be signed!
Application information required:
* Name, address, telephone number, e-mail, and website
* Mission statement and brief history
Short description of the project
* Cost of the total project and the amount requested from FFFOM
* Impact the funds requested will have on the project
* A copy of the 501 (c) (3) certification letter
Each request will be evaluated by:
* Clients it serves
* Procedures in use
* Sevice's offered
* Experience of leadership
* Finance and fundraising practices
Send application to:
Fish Family Foundation of Maine
35 Deer Run Road
Glenburn, Maine 04401
Requests are considered by the trustees the first week of each month. We reply to requests of $5,000 or less within 30 days. We reply to requests of $5,000. or more within 90 days. Foundation payments are made by paper check in US dollars and are reported to the appropriate tax agencies. While we certainly wish that we could contribute to all the applications that meet our funding criteria, there are times when when available funding is limited and we are not able to contribute to some very worthy causes. If we are not in a position to help in the timeline requested, we will keep the information on file for possible consideration in the future.
We do not consider requests to support advertising and can not make payments directly to individuals.
Applications will only be accepted by postal delivery and must be signed!
Application information required:
* Name, address, telephone number, e-mail, and website
* Mission statement and brief history
Short description of the project
* Cost of the total project and the amount requested from FFFOM
* Impact the funds requested will have on the project
* A copy of the 501 (c) (3) certification letter
Each request will be evaluated by:
* Clients it serves
* Procedures in use
* Sevice's offered
* Experience of leadership
* Finance and fundraising practices
Send application to:
Fish Family Foundation of Maine
35 Deer Run Road
Glenburn, Maine 04401